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Dance Lobo

Dance Lobo Diddies


Dance Lobo Diddies is a fun, interactive  music and movement session for babies, toddlers, preschool children and their adults.As well as developing  their fine and gross motor skills the children will have the opportunity to further enhance their their social interaction skills. Children most definitely grow their confidence and self esteem whilst spending quality time with their parent or carer. Fun is had by all!

It is an extremely friendly and welcoming group.


If you are interested in joining please contact Cheryl on 07834924955 or email or see our Facebook page Dance Lobo Diddies.



Calverton and Bingham Swimming Club was formed in 2007 following the merger of Calverton Swimming Club and Bingham Swimming Club.

We are a competitive swimming club based in Nottinghamshire and have over 300 active members of all ages and abilities. We have swimmers from Junior standard through to a number of current Senior GB internationals. CABSC also has a highly successful Masters section and a Water Polo section.

Our aim is to provide the highest standard of coaching and the best quality pooltime in our catchment area.

We offer over 30 hours of training time at a variety of pools across our various squads including weekly Long Course training at Loughborough University and a Core Strength and Flexibility Land Conditioning Programme. We provide a full Development and Education Programme for athletes. CABSC have strong partnership links with the Nottinghamshire County Council Swim Squad (Nova) and we are therefore able to provide full progression through to Competitive Development and Performance level in line with the Long Term Athlete Development Programme set out by the ASA and British Swimming.

We currently have over 30 swimmers who are placed on the County Swim Squad and compete at District, National and International level. CABSC competes in the National ARENA League and reached the Regional final in West Midlands league in 2007, we also compete in local Leagues and have a very full fixtures list to ensure that our swimmers get an opportunity to compete at a variety of standards.


Sophie’s Academy of Performing Arts


Sophie’s Academy of Performing Arts provides lessons in Ballet, Tap, Freestyle/Disco, Musical Theatre and Acro-Gymnastics for children age 2-18. 


With fully qualified teachers- Sophie and Kate, we offer dance examinations through the IDTA, Acro-Gymnastics classes are through British Gymnastics and we have a bi annual show showcasing all that we do at the Nottingham Playhouse. 


We are a big family at the Academy and aim to create fun, enjoyment and well being whether you are looking for a professional career or come just for fun. 


If you’re interested in coming along please email Sophie to


Cotgrave Swim Squad

Swim training takes place every Wednesday 18:30 - 19:30 at Cotgrave Leisure Centre.

NHS Blood Service

Giving blood saves lives But it’s always in high demand. Our lifesaving service is required 365 days a year, and our dedicated staff work day and night to process, test and distribute donated blood. Every year we need around 200,000 new donors to ensure we have the right mix of blood groups to meet patient needs now and in the future.

Why give blood?

Every day we need around 6,000 donations to meet the needs of patients across England. Which is why there's always a need for blood.

How your donation helps

The blood you give is used to treat critically ill patients, as well as those who have lost blood through an accident, surgery or childbirth. Giving blood is easy and safe. It only takes one hour and you will be doing something amazing. Most people aged between 17-65 can donate.

Visit their website here

Nottingham Leander Swim Club

The club is based in Nottingham and welcomes members from young to 'masters' who wish to learn and improve their swimming. If you want to be involved with the club see below about joining. The aim of Nottingham Leander Swimming Club is to promote and take part in competitive swimming.

All Club teaching/coaching processes are devised with this aim in mind and all swimmers are taught the correct techniques to achieve maximum potential. In due course, it is expected that members achieving the necessary standards will swim for the Club teams in appropriate events.

Although the club is ambitious, it is our aim to develop swimmers without excessive pressure, in a supportive, friendly, injury-free and non-aggressive environment. It is relatively easy to achieve success, particularly at young (9-13) ages by putting great pressure on swimmers and working them extremely hard, but this approach generally rebounds in later years and is not the Leander way.

As young swimmers improve, the club aims to bring them to a standard where they will be able to obtain entrance to the Nova Centurion (the County Squad), and from there progress to Inter-County, District and International standing.

Those who do not succeed in obtaining the limited number of “County Squad” places are, however, catered for in a training regime which continues into adulthood, and into the Club’s “Masters” section and Water Polo teams – truly offering “lifetime” training.

Visit their website here

PKA Kickboxing

At Kickbox UK we pride ourselves in providing the best quality kickboxing training for all ages and fitness levels; this is supported by our Nationally Recognised Martial Arts Syllabus.

We recognise that everyone’s reasons for starting martial arts vary; therefore we aim to deliver a wide variety in the classes and aim to improve our students' fitness, self confidence, flexibility, commitment and self-defence.

Most classes concentrate on the non-contact elements of kickboxing with specialist classes for those who wish to explore the competitive side of the sport.

Visit their website here

Dance Lobo

Dance Lobo Diddies


Dance Lobo Diddies is a fun, interactive  music and movement session for babies, toddlers, preschool children and their adults.As well as developing  their fine and gross motor skills the children will have the opportunity to further enhance their their social interaction skills. Children most definitely grow their confidence and self esteem whilst spending quality time with their parent or carer. Fun is had by all!

It is an extremely friendly and welcoming group.


If you are interested in joining please contact Cheryl on 07834924955 or email or see our Facebook page Dance Lobo Diddies.



Calverton and Bingham Swimming Club was formed in 2007 following the merger of Calverton Swimming Club and Bingham Swimming Club.

We are a competitive swimming club based in Nottinghamshire and have over 300 active members of all ages and abilities. We have swimmers from Junior standard through to a number of current Senior GB internationals. CABSC also has a highly successful Masters section and a Water Polo section.

Our aim is to provide the highest standard of coaching and the best quality pooltime in our catchment area.

We offer over 30 hours of training time at a variety of pools across our various squads including weekly Long Course training at Loughborough University and a Core Strength and Flexibility Land Conditioning Programme. We provide a full Development and Education Programme for athletes. CABSC have strong partnership links with the Nottinghamshire County Council Swim Squad (Nova) and we are therefore able to provide full progression through to Competitive Development and Performance level in line with the Long Term Athlete Development Programme set out by the ASA and British Swimming.

We currently have over 30 swimmers who are placed on the County Swim Squad and compete at District, National and International level. CABSC competes in the National ARENA League and reached the Regional final in West Midlands league in 2007, we also compete in local Leagues and have a very full fixtures list to ensure that our swimmers get an opportunity to compete at a variety of standards.


Sophie’s Academy of Performing Arts


Sophie’s Academy of Performing Arts provides lessons in Ballet, Tap, Freestyle/Disco, Musical Theatre and Acro-Gymnastics for children age 2-18. 


With fully qualified teachers- Sophie and Kate, we offer dance examinations through the IDTA, Acro-Gymnastics classes are through British Gymnastics and we have a bi annual show showcasing all that we do at the Nottingham Playhouse. 


We are a big family at the Academy and aim to create fun, enjoyment and well being whether you are looking for a professional career or come just for fun. 


If you’re interested in coming along please email Sophie to


Cotgrave Swim Squad

Swim training takes place every Wednesday 18:30 - 19:30 at Cotgrave Leisure Centre.

NHS Blood Service

Giving blood saves lives But it’s always in high demand. Our lifesaving service is required 365 days a year, and our dedicated staff work day and night to process, test and distribute donated blood. Every year we need around 200,000 new donors to ensure we have the right mix of blood groups to meet patient needs now and in the future.

Why give blood?

Every day we need around 6,000 donations to meet the needs of patients across England. Which is why there's always a need for blood.

How your donation helps

The blood you give is used to treat critically ill patients, as well as those who have lost blood through an accident, surgery or childbirth. Giving blood is easy and safe. It only takes one hour and you will be doing something amazing. Most people aged between 17-65 can donate.

Visit their website here

Nottingham Leander Swim Club

The club is based in Nottingham and welcomes members from young to 'masters' who wish to learn and improve their swimming. If you want to be involved with the club see below about joining. The aim of Nottingham Leander Swimming Club is to promote and take part in competitive swimming.

All Club teaching/coaching processes are devised with this aim in mind and all swimmers are taught the correct techniques to achieve maximum potential. In due course, it is expected that members achieving the necessary standards will swim for the Club teams in appropriate events.

Although the club is ambitious, it is our aim to develop swimmers without excessive pressure, in a supportive, friendly, injury-free and non-aggressive environment. It is relatively easy to achieve success, particularly at young (9-13) ages by putting great pressure on swimmers and working them extremely hard, but this approach generally rebounds in later years and is not the Leander way.

As young swimmers improve, the club aims to bring them to a standard where they will be able to obtain entrance to the Nova Centurion (the County Squad), and from there progress to Inter-County, District and International standing.

Those who do not succeed in obtaining the limited number of “County Squad” places are, however, catered for in a training regime which continues into adulthood, and into the Club’s “Masters” section and Water Polo teams – truly offering “lifetime” training.

Visit their website here

PKA Kickboxing

At Kickbox UK we pride ourselves in providing the best quality kickboxing training for all ages and fitness levels; this is supported by our Nationally Recognised Martial Arts Syllabus.

We recognise that everyone’s reasons for starting martial arts vary; therefore we aim to deliver a wide variety in the classes and aim to improve our students' fitness, self confidence, flexibility, commitment and self-defence.

Most classes concentrate on the non-contact elements of kickboxing with specialist classes for those who wish to explore the competitive side of the sport.

Visit their website here