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Exciting improvements coming to your centre!

We are excited to announce Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is investing £5.2m in refurbishments and energy efficient upgrades at Cotgrave Leisure Centre, also at Keyworth Leisure Centre.

The works at Cotgrave LC have stated in September 2024, moving on to Keyworth Leisure Centre in Spring/Summer 2025. We aim to keep disruption to a minimum but as with any major refurbishment, some activities may temporarily change time, or if absolutely necessary, move to one of our other Centres close by. Please follow our website and social media platforms for updates.


What changes are being made?

There’s a whole range of improvements, including:


  • New poolside changing rooms and facilities
  • New and enlarged group exercise studio and indoor cycling studio-see the new programme here.
  • New spin bikes, group exercise equipment, and AV systems 
  • New reception area and toilets
  • Wider main corridor
  • New sports hall floor and redecorated walls
  • Improved access control to all areas of the building
  • New energy saving equipment, air source heat pumps, and solar panels


What are the proposed dates of refurb?

You will be able to continue to enjoy the facilities, including swimming whilst the works take place.


  • 17 September - 15 December: Phase 1 - Widened corridor, new group exercise and spin studios - Completed
  • 16 December - 5 March: Phase 2 - New wet side changing rooms - the swimming pool remains open as normal
  • 5 March - 28 April: Phase 3 & 4 - Reception, toilets, offices, sports hall, and poolside viewing area

Please note that all dates and times are subject to change as the project develops. Please follow site updates on the website and social media platforms.

Why not take advantage of the new facilities and join now on our special offer here.


Can I still use the Centre?

Yes. You can continue to enjoy all facilities, including the swimming pool, which will remain open to customers throughout the refurbishment.
We’re only closing sections of the centre, rather than a complete closure. The first phase (17 September - 15 December) was completed and involved the corridor, new studios and storage spaces. 


Swimming Lessons are operating as normal and if you wish join our Swimming Lessons programme click here.


Can I still use the car park?

Yes. There may be construction traffic moving around, so please take care when visiting. Should the car park be full, there is a free car park at the Cotgrave Pocket Park and Ride across the road from the Centre, directions here or street view available here.


Can I use other facilities?

Yes. Keyworth Leisure Centre, Bingham Arena & Toot Hill Sports Centre, also Rushcliffe Arena all have a range of excellent facilities you can use for free with your existing membership. They are all not far from Cotgrave. We will not be issuing membership refunds.

Click the links below to find out more:





We will continually update customers via email (where relevant) and also provide updates via our social media platforms:



What if I have more questions?

No problem, we’re here to help. Please visit us in person, or fill in our enquiry form.


Further Reading

Below provides a lot more detail about the exciting projects and upgrades to both Cotgrave Leisure Centre, and also about the future plans for Keyworth Leisure Centre.  

Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is investing £5.2m in refurbishments and energy efficient upgrades at Cotgrave Leisure Centre and Keyworth Leisure Centre, with works due to start at Cotgrave in September 2024, moving onto the Keyworth in Spring/Summer 2025

Several grant funds, along with RBC investment will see both decarbonisation and significant refurbishment at Cotgrave leisure centre.  Following works at Cotgrave Leisure Centre, Keyworth will receive a refit, essential roof repairs and investment in the pool filtration equipment.

RBC received £1.2m from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to help reduce the carbon emissions at Cotgrave Leisure Centre. 
The funding will enable the replacement of old boilers and outdated, inefficient heating and hot water systems with new modern, low carbon Air Source Heat Pumps. Heat pump units will use electricity from renewable sources to efficiently draw heat from the air and transfer it into the swimming pool and surrounding areas, resulting in 250% to 300% energy efficiency.

In addition, £250,000 funding from the Government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport Swimming Pool Support Fund, administered by Sport England is enabling Solar Panels to be installed on the roof at Cotgrave Leisure Centre. The panels will generate up to 55,000 kwh of electricity a year saving up to £25,000 on running costs, the equivalent to running power for 20 houses. 

RBC also received a further £50,000 grant from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to provide a new Changing Places toilet at the Leisure Centre which opened in April.

Funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, UK Shared Propensity Fund is contributing £110,000 to the refurbishment of the centre, which includes:


  • A new changing places toilet enabling users with mobility challenges to change more easily
  • An improved toilet and reception layout
  • Widening corridors
  • An improved dedicated spin studio
  • Larger modern dance studio with improved lighting and sound systems
  • Updated and improved layout to the poolside changing rooms


Leisure Energy employed as principal contractors will deliver the decarbonisation works and will work alongside their appointed sub-contractor JRD Design and Build who will lead on the refurbishment.  TSA (formerly Henry Riley Consultants Limited) are providing the Council with project management and cost management services.

Both centres will continue to be operated by the Council’s current leisure provider, Lex Leisure. 

Works at Cotgrave leisure centre will commence in October 2024 and continue until Spring 2025.  The centre will remain open and available for use by the public, though there will be times when areas of the centre will be unavailable.  Some activities may have to move to one of our other centres temporarily.  Our partners, Lex Leisure will work closely with users to communicate any changes.  All parties aim to keep disruption to a minimum but as with any major refurbishment.


You have more questions or concerns? We're here to listen and help in any way we can, so please contact us.


If you are excited about the upcoming refurbishment, you should join us.