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Turn'd Up

Turn’d Up is a dance fitness class with a difference. We learn routines to current R&B and dancehall tunes. The routines are broken down so everyone, no matter what their ability, can learn them and feel like they’re in their own music video.

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Clirio pob Hidlydd




Dim sesiynau ar gael ar hyn o bryd

  • Mynediad i'n campfa â 117 o safleoedd ymarfer
  • Pyllau nofio 25m a 13m
  • Dros 45 o ddosbarthiadau’r wythnos
  • Opsiynau aelodaeth hyblyg a sefydlog
YMAELODWCH NAWR O £37.00 y mis

Prisiau aelodaeth a phrisiau dydd

Eisoes yn aelod? Mewngofnodwch yma