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At our leisure centre, we host events to engage with the community and highlight the diverse programmes and services we offer. These events allow visitors to explore our facilities, meet our expert instructors, and discover activities that encourage active lifestyles for all ages and abilities.
We are opening our doors on Saturday 18 January so mark your calendars for an unforgettable experience at our Open Day! Click the link to view all the activities we are holding during our Open day.
Dive into a world of wonder with our Swim School Open Day on Saturday 11 January! Find out everything about this day by clicking more information.
Join us as we launch the next release of Les Mills classes on Saturday 18 January, visit more information for what you can expect on the day.
Whether you're new to fitness or a regular, these events will allow you to see everything we have to offer. It's a chance to meet our friendly staff and experience our facilities.